- first time left home for so long (Feb 2004 - Jan 2005)
- first time in my life, I have a sister-in-law, and the best part was she was pregnant (Jan 2005)
- my sister bought a new condominium and shifted in. I got my own room, finally (March 2005)
- attended first interview at Jalan Ipoh, but failed to get the job (April 2005)
- first time went to Penang after 10 years. Met up with some of the old schoolmates and had a karaoke session at RedBox Penang. (April 2005)
first time had a sore-throat that could really took my life away. Still remember the pain and the fever that I had. The worse part was it was during my birthday, and planned with Faye and the gang to go to Genting Highland to celebrate it. Ended up, stayed at home and was nagged by LKC to go back to Ipoh to rest. (May 2005)
traveled up and down Ipoh and KL to attend interviews, countless interviews attended but no jobs offered...so upset (April - July 2005)
- Paullie left for Hungary and don't know when only she'll be back to Malaysia (July 2005)
- Being offered and accepted my FIRST job...finally (July 2005)
- started my career (August 2005)
- got my first month salary...not much but still very happy (September 2005)
- took my first family photo on my niece's full moon dinner (October 2005)
- my aunt passed away (November 2005)
- LKC left for US for training for 3 weeks (December 2005)
- attended first company's review and got increment...yahoo (December 2005)
- first time went to Langkawi and it was fully paid by the company...great! (December 2005)
- Shu got affected by dengue and she's leaving BF. Kinda upset as she was the one who is willing to teach anything that I asked. Hope she'll be blessed and good luck for her future. (December 2005)
- first time received so many presents for christmas. 7 pieces of clothing, 2 soft toys, gummies and mashmallows...thanks LKC (December 2005)
- sicked for the final time for the year of 2005....why do I have to get sick when there's a big day coming? (December 2005)
- the end of the year 2005 and the beginning of 2006. Hope everything will be fine for 2006.
The year of 2005, the year that I changed the most. From a student to a career girl. I need to pay everything by myself now. Last time, my dad used to give me pocket money to buy my CNY clothes, but not for this year onwards. Everything got to be paid by myself. I learnt how to communicate with people. I learnt how to protect myself. I learnt a lot and the process of learning is still continue. Hope the year 2006 will be a better year for me and for everyone. A year of success, a year of good wealth, a year of prosperity, a year of peace, a year of good health and etc. Good luck to everyone and Happy New Year 2006!