It's the forth week now, less than 3 weeks till LKC returns to Malaysia. Can't hardly wait for his return. 5 reasons why I can't wait...
- It's not a good experience to go to shopping mall alone and had dinner alone. Experienced it today, not hoping to experience it again in the near future
- No one to pay for my groceries. I'm so broke now.
- No one to talk to me on the phone while I'm driving to/back from work.
- No "drebar" to drive me back to Ipoh. The journey back to Ipoh was like forever.
- Last but not least, my Coach handbag. Since LKC said that he can't afford to buy me a LV handbag, though it's cheaper to buy in France than in Malaysia, yet...he still can't afford to buy it. He promised me to buy a Coach handbag for me instead.
Honestly speaking, I've no idea how much does a Coach handbag cost, neither LV nor Gucci. Since LKC feels that Coach should be cheaper than LV and Gucci, he promised me to get me one when he's back. Being an obedient girlfriend, as always, I'll do my part to keep his promise by choosing the handbag that he has promised, right? Hehehe...
Currently in my mind are...
Currently in my mind are...

I personally prefer white colour more than any other colours. But sometimes white "ng kam lar char" (gets dirty easily), so I'm keeping my eyes on black as well. Right now, the colour is not that important yet. Tell me which design is nicer? I prefer simple yet stylish handbags rather than those with too much details or too many things hanging here and there. Please help me decide...
I would definitely go for Bleecker signature small zip hobo! Wut a long name
out of these 3.. i choose the 2nd bag.. the nicest!
btw, why not check out the gucci cruise 2008 collection?!!! *drools*
devilss!! all devilss!!!!! faye's not listening............. la la la la la la...
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