LKC...don't lah just pop-out the question "when do you want to marry me?". Do something special, can? The time will come when it is the right time to come.
Friday, November 30, 2007
0 commentsLKC...don't lah just pop-out the question "when do you want to marry me?". Do something special, can? The time will come when it is the right time to come.
Down the memory lane by
11/30/2007 06:40:00 AM
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
5 reasons
3 comments5 reasons why I CAN wait for LKC to be home...
- Not a good experience to go shopping/ dinner alone? I can always find friends to go shopping and have dinner with me. Since I just got to know that Sabrina will not go out dating with her deardear everyday, and she'll ta-pau or cook maggi mee at home, I can always look for her and other gal friends.
- No one to pay for my groceries? No big deal, I can choose not to eat for dinner. Just drink Milo with cornflakes (yes, I know it's for breakfast, but who cares?). Can ask mama to buy Milo and cornflakes for me. Can even ask mama to buy other food as well.
- No one to talk to while driving? Can call mama and also talk to cid-cey-ceow (though most of the time she'll be repeating the same words again and again, or just keeping quiet). Worse comes to worse, turn on the radio loudly and sing along!
- No "drebar" to drive back to Ipoh? No problem...can follow Ah Girl's car (my cousin) to go back to Ipoh. Even better, can save money. No need to pay for petrol and toll. And can go back to Ipoh to play with cid-cey-ceow every fortnight. Kill "many" birds with one stone.
- My Coach handbag? Since you have given me so many T&C even before I go in to the Coach store, feel "sien" already ler. No mood to buy liao. Told me cannot be more than RM1500 lah, cursed me "cannot buy in Malaysia" lah, asked me to stand outside and peep then run to check out whether got stock or not lah, don't allow me to mention about LV and Gucci lah, asked me to go to Petaling Street to buy Ah Cheong brand lah...aiii, where still got mood to wait for you to be home ler. You stay in France forever ler...don't come back better. Upset with you liao...sien lerr
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11/29/2007 11:37:00 PM
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Which is nicer?
3 commentsIt's the forth week now, less than 3 weeks till LKC returns to Malaysia. Can't hardly wait for his return. 5 reasons why I can't wait...
- It's not a good experience to go to shopping mall alone and had dinner alone. Experienced it today, not hoping to experience it again in the near future
- No one to pay for my groceries. I'm so broke now.
- No one to talk to me on the phone while I'm driving to/back from work.
- No "drebar" to drive me back to Ipoh. The journey back to Ipoh was like forever.
- Last but not least, my Coach handbag. Since LKC said that he can't afford to buy me a LV handbag, though it's cheaper to buy in France than in Malaysia, yet...he still can't afford to buy it. He promised me to buy a Coach handbag for me instead.
Currently in my mind are...

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11/27/2007 11:43:00 PM
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Monday, November 26, 2007
The returns...

So, who will be the next to make a return? 911? Atomic Kittens? Blue? S Club 7? After looking at all these bands, it reminds me of my old school days, where we used to admire these boy bands so much. Bought lots of magazines (Smash Hits, Big, Galaxy) which were quite costly even today (if I'm not mistaken, I paid RM6-7 per magazines).
I used to like 911 so much. Went to their concert back in the year 1998 at Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre. Bought all their albums and singles which were released in Malaysia. Bought all the magazines which had them in the cover or even covered just a little bit of news on them. Wonder how much I had spent on all these CDs and magazines.
Another group that I used to like so much was Take That. Well, didn't spend much money on this group as when I got to know them, it was almost the time when they split. Still liking their songs very much especially Never Forget, Back for Good, Babe and etc. I even watched their Home Coming Concert twice recently. First time was on the flight to Taiwan and another time was on Channel V.
Anyway, lets see which boy/ girl will make their return next.
Down the memory lane by
11/26/2007 11:23:00 PM
Tag music
Saturday, November 24, 2007
The killing stops when the eating stops
2 commentsI like the phrase that Jacky (my colleague) mentioned. He said, "The killing stops when the eating stops". This again reminds me of one forwarded email that I received long long time ago about the cruelty of "finning" of sharks for shark fin soup. The images show the inhumane way that people cut the fin, and how they drop the shark who is still alive back to the water to bleed to death and sink to the bottom of the ocean. Have you ever thought how many sharks were killed to serve the 50 tables in a wedding banquet? Hell a lot!!
Was googling for the shark fin images but I just can't help to feel so sorry for the way they cut the fins. It is just too cruel. Wanted to upload those photos to this post but I think I will definitely feel uneasy everytime I visit my own blog.
A lot of efforts have been made to save the sharks but consumptions reduced by not much. I guess the only way that we can really save the sharks is to stop eating the shark fins. When the demand for shark fin drops, the supply drops as well (applying my economic knowledge that I learnt during my college days).
P/S: This is just my personal post. Not trying to offend anyone at anytime.
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11/24/2007 11:45:00 AM
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Monday, November 19, 2007
911 - The Journey
0 comments"The journey"
Time waits for no one, sure as the tide pulls the ocean
Sure as, the path that's been chosen, cannot be changed
In my life's destination, I searched for the explaination
For some kind of reason, for my sorrow and pain
But in my isolation I learned to listen
To be thankful for the love that I'd been given
This is my journey, journey through life
With every twist and turn I've laughed and cried
As the road unwinds
This is my journey, and I've learned to fight
To make me strong enough, to lift me up, to bring my dreams alive
In my desperation I swore that never again
Would I hear all the laughter of my friends and my family
A million tears that I'd cried then began to dry
In the silence of the night time
I had came to realize
A sweet inspiration filled my horizon
Gave me the heart to go on and never would give in
This is my journey, journey through life
With every twist and turn I've laughed and cried
As the road unwinds
This is my journey, and I've learned to fight
To make me strong enough, to lift me up, to bring my dreams alive
I'm going to love each moment, of every day and night
I'll look back to the past with the sweetest smile
For now I realise, I've been given the key to life
I've been kissed by the angel by my side
This is my journey, journey through life
With every twist and turn I've laughed and cried
As the road unwinds
This is my journey, and I've learned to fight
To make me strong enough, to lift me up, to bring my dreams alive
To bring my dreams alive
To bring my dreams alive
Down the memory lane by
11/19/2007 11:51:00 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Ole-Ole Bali, Sunway Pyramid
After work, LKC picked me up again from the LRT station (so enjoyable, got "drebar" driving around, hehehe). We went to Sunway Pyramid. It has been quite some time since the last time I visited Sunway Pyramid. Been hearing the Pyramid 2 since its opening. Walked around the mall to find something special to eat for our dinner. Most of the restaurants that you can find in 1-Utama can be found in Pyramid 2. We went to Ole-Ole Bali Restaurant since we had never tried Balinese meal before.
Overall, the food was very nice and the price was quite reasonable for the quality of food and the environment. Two thumbs up!! Worth returning if you enjoy Balinese meal and would like to try other food on the menu.
Down the memory lane by
11/17/2007 11:07:00 PM
Tag food
Missing you...
Down the memory lane by
11/17/2007 10:35:00 PM
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007
0 commentsTagged by Survon.
Name one person who made you laugh last night?
LKC, I suppose.
What were you doing at 0800?
What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Eating Double Decker while driving
What happened to you in 2006?
A lot wor. But the most memorable one got to be my Korea trip
What was the last thing you said out loud?
How many beverages did you have today?
Plain water, chinese tea, Milo and green tea
What color is your hairbrush?
Baby blue
What was the last thing you paid for?
Double-decker and Milo canned drink at Cold Storage
Where were you last night?
At home
What color is your front door?
Light blue
Where do you keep your change?
In the purse, in the handbag, in the pocket. Just everywhere.
What's the weather like today?
Rained in the afternoon, neither hot nor cold now
What's the best ice-cream flavour?
Definitely Chocolate...chocolate...and chocolate
What excites you?
No need to work?
Do you want to cut your hair?
Not at this moment
Are you over the age of 25?
Do you talk a lot?
Yes...only to those that I'm very closed with
Do you watch the O.C.?
Yeah, I did. Too bad it only lasted for 4 seasons.
Do you know anyone named Steven?
Yeah...quite a number.
Do you make up your own words?
Negh = 'mut yeh'
Jung mili = 'jung mut yeh'
Are you a jealous person?
Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'A'.
Alien...hahaha...LKC, you know who right?
Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'K'.
Who's the first person on your received call list?
What does the last text message you received say?
Message from LKC asking why I didn't online
Do you chew on your straw?
Do you have curly hair?
Where's the next place you’re going to?
Going back to Ipoh this weekend
Who's the rudest person in your life?
My dad?
What was the last thing you ate?
Will you get married in the future?
Definitely...with my dearest LKC
What's the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks?
Past 2 weeks...watched Triangle with LKC, but don't think it's considered the best movie
Is there anyone you like right now?
Who else ler...
When was the last time you did the dishes?
Sunday night?
Are you currently depressed?
Did you cry today?
Why did you answer and post this?
To 'layan' the person who tagged me lor...hehehe
Tag 5 people who would do this tag.
Got discount ar? Only can think of:-
Chun Nee
Fei Pin
The rest already tagged by the person who tagged me.
Down the memory lane by
11/14/2007 11:22:00 PM
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Down the memory lane by
11/14/2007 12:14:00 AM
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Holiday = Boring Day
Down the memory lane by
11/08/2007 10:04:00 PM
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Saturday, November 03, 2007
Single again...

And also this!!
Wahhh...what a surprise!! LKC was supposed to be in the flight while I am writing this. My phone just rang and it is the ringtone that I set for LKC. It's impossible LKC dares to turn on his phone in the flight...I was thinking. It was really LKC and when I picked up the call, he told me that his flight got delayed for 1 hour, though he is already in the plane. He said the flight has missed something, so need to wait for another hour for its turn. such thing one meh??!! I was hoping that they cancel the flight instead of delaying it. Anyway, the flight has already departed now. Safe journey and take care! See you in 6 weeks later. Miss ya! Love ya! Muaksss.
P/s: Will start blogging on my Taiwan trip tomorrow. Sorry for the delays!!
Down the memory lane by
11/03/2007 11:46:00 PM
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