Received a newsletter from the World Vision about the 30 Hour Famine:Hungry for Hope. So you must be asking what is this Famine about? Here is the definition:-
"Participants forego solid food for 30 hours. This can be done individually or together with other participants in the Famine Camp organised by associations, offices, schools or religious institutions.During the 30-Hour Famine Camp, participants are acquainted with the world-wide humanitarian work of World Vision, how emergency relief operations are managed, how poor communities are enabled to break the cycle of poverty, and how ordinary well-wishers can help people in need."
Here are the 10 reasons why you must not miss the 30-Hour Famine:
1. See how individuals working together can bring hope to the poor and afflicted.
2. Learn about Rights – Rights of Children! Yes, children have rights too!
3. Meet a Field Expert from World Vision China. You will learn how you’ve helped.
4. Bring hope to children and communities in Vietnam and Malaysia.2. Learn about Rights – Rights of Children! Yes, children have rights too!
3. Meet a Field Expert from World Vision China. You will learn how you’ve helped.
5. Help people who are affected/infected by HIV/AIDS.
6. Meet and make new friends – there will be more than 5,000 "Famine fighters".
7. Help us fill the stadium and break a record! Stadium Putra is one of the largest stadiums in Malaysia.
8. Be part of the global Famine movement – that’s 1.5 million people in 12 countries.
9. Get front-row seats to an explosive free concert featuring Fish Leong, Nicholas Teo, Daniel Lee and others (applicable to West Malaysia Famine only).
10. Know that you helped to build a better world for children.
If you are interested to get involve, click here.

Date Venue Time | : 15 & 16 Sept 2007 : Stadium Putra, Bukit Jalil : 12:00 noon on Saturday until 6:00pm on Sunday |
For Academic Organisations Distribution of Donation Cards Last Date for Return of Donation Cards For Members of the Public Distribution of Donation Cards Last Date for Return of Donation Cards | : 15 Apr to 15 Jul 2007 : 31 Jul 2007 : 15 Jun to 20 Aug 2007 : 26 Aug 2007 |
The registration closes on 26th August 2006. Act now!
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