Remember I blogged once that I'm going to start a Food blog? Well, I've been quite busy with work and also been a lazy bum when I have time to blog. Since I do not have the tendency to bring my camera all the time, I'm so not used to take photo of the food that I ordered. Whenever the food is served, I'll just take the spoon/ fork/ chopsticks and just gulp the food down to my stomach without thinking more.
I like to eat, that's why I've putting on weight every now and then. No matter how hard I work out, how many classes I attend to burn the calories, yet I'm still getting heavier and fatter now. I'm putting on weight is because of the good food that I had. Good things must always be shared. Why not I just share the good food that I've tried before with my friends who visit my blog. At least, we can put on weight together gather marrr....hehehe.
Chocolate is one the flavor that I'll definitely choose no matter what. From ice-creams to drinks, from cakes to cookies. I just love the chocolate so much. Whenever I ordered ice-creams especially the Baskin Robbins or Hagen Daze, chocolate will be the flavor that I'll put in my priority list. I don't like to drink coffee or tea. So whenever I visit Coffee Bean or Starbucks, hot chocolate or ice-blended chocolate will be ordered. Chocolate moist cake and Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies will be my favourite too.

Wall's Mini Poppers has become one of my snacks lately. It's a very great idea for Wall's to come out with all the Wall's Mini like Wall's Mini Cornetto and the new Wall's Mini Poppers. Whenever you're craving for ice-creams and you're afraid that you'll gain few kilos on your body after finishing the whole original Cornetto then no worries anymore. The latest Wall's Mini Poppers is just so just tastes like Ferrero Roches, with crunchy chocolate-nutty outside and vanilla/ chocolate ice-cream inside. I've tried the Vanilla flavor and it's just too perfect. Not too sweet and you get to enjoy chocolate and ice-cream at the same time.
Try costs RM6.99 a box for 18 mini poppers (3 poppers in a pack).
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