Planned earlier to go to Klang for dinner tonight, but just feel very lazy to go. It's raining outside...the weather is so nice and so cooling. Just made me lazier and sleepy at the same time. I woke up few times this morning. Woke up at 6.15am to send LKC to office to catch the bus to Cherating. Came back home at 7 something, straight away went back to sleep. Got a call from mum at 8 something I think, forgot what she was talking about then fell back to sleep. Got another call again at 10 something from the "mother-in-law" in Maybank. Finally, got my back up to sit in front of the laptop to surf the net and at around 11 something, received an SMS from LKC. Called him and talked for 10 minutes. I went back to sleep at 11 something and guess what, I slept until 1 something in the afternoon. I was only awake when I heard my sis banged on her room's door. I forced myself to get up and quickly went to shower before I laze on the bed fall asleep again.
It's 4.05pm now and I have just been awake for less than 3 hours. My eyes are tired and it's going to close at anytime. My sis is having her Desperate Housewives marathon at the living room and I've no idea on what to do if I'm not going back to sleep after blogging. Arrghh...the weather just makes me so lazy. Thank God it's Saturday today...try to imagine what happen if you get this kind of weather on a working day.

Oh by the way, I've been craving for this Cadbury Bytes lately. It's too yummy and best of all, it's cheap. Only RM1.99 (after discount in Jusco Supermarket) a pack. As you can see from the packagin itself, it's a cereal puff with chocolatey centre. Yummyliciousssss....
Signing off now. Going to my dreamland now...Zzzzzz...Happy Weekend folks.
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