Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
1 commentsWill go and accept the offer letter on this Thursday and going to tender my resignation letter on this Friday. It's my first time tendering resignation letter, feel a bit weird...don't know what to do and how to do. Sigh...3 months of notice...such a long period. Don't know what will happen after the resignation...I just can't imagine.
Down the memory lane by
7/30/2007 05:13:00 PM
Friday, July 27, 2007
Down the memory lane by
7/27/2007 02:18:00 PM
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Desperate Housewives
Down the memory lane by
7/22/2007 11:02:00 PM
Wall's Mini Poppers
0 commentsWall's Mini Poppers has become one of my snacks lately. It's a very great idea for Wall's to come out with all the Wall's Mini like Wall's Mini Cornetto and the new Wall's Mini Poppers. Whenever you're craving for ice-creams and you're afraid that you'll gain few kilos on your body after finishing the whole original Cornetto then no worries anymore. The latest Wall's Mini Poppers is just so yummyliciousss...it just tastes like Ferrero Roches, with crunchy chocolate-nutty outside and vanilla/ chocolate ice-cream inside. I've tried the Vanilla flavor and it's just too perfect. Not too sweet and you get to enjoy chocolate and ice-cream at the same time.
Try it...it costs RM6.99 a box for 18 mini poppers (3 poppers in a pack).
Down the memory lane by
7/22/2007 09:09:00 PM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Sleepy Saturday
Down the memory lane by
7/21/2007 03:29:00 PM
Monday, July 16, 2007
My new gadget
1 commentsSony Ericsson S500i.
Nice screen resolution.
Nice design and colour.
Good speaker and clear sound.
Not too expensive and the latest model.
Best of all...from LKC.
Thank you...love you heaps.
Down the memory lane by
7/16/2007 02:36:00 PM
The beginning of a new life
1 commentsIt's all changing now. I guess most of you have known that LKC had resigned from his job in Ipoh and made up his mind to come to KL to start a new career and a new life here. I'd been waited for this chance since 2 years ago and finally my dreams came true. LKC has moved to KL here yesterday and reporting to his new job today.
This is a total change to him. The change is not just moving from Ipoh to KL and staying together with me and not having a home-cooked dinner every night. It is a change of career as well. He was a Test Engineer back in Ipoh, guess what he is working as now? An engineer also? Nope...he's working in the field of Marketing now in one of a company in Glenmarie. I'm not sure he has made a right choice or not but I really wish he made the correct decision.
From now onwards, I'm not just playing as a role of a girlfriend. I'll be his partner, his unofficial-wife and his maid as well...hehehe. I'll make sure he's comfortable staying together with me. I'll make sure he'll become happier than he used to. There are things that we need to compromise. There are things that we need to sacrifice. All the best to you. Will always support and be there for you...love you heaps :)
LKC...lets work hard for better tomorrow....
Down the memory lane by
7/16/2007 10:44:00 AM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Streamyx drama
0 commentsOn 30th June (Sat), I went to TMPoint at Damansara Uptown to deactivate the HotSpot service that I used to have for free for the past 2 years. It was part of the promotion the time I signed up for the streamyx. Since I've been using the streamyx for 2 years now, they started to charge me for the HotSpot service this month as it had already past the promotion period. I called to the Customer Service to deactivate it, but they said I have to go to the TMPoint to do it. Ok...fine. So I went there to deactivate it. I filled up a form which was given to me by the receptionist. He even ticked for me that I would like to deactivate the HotSpot service. I thought everything will be fine after submitting the form. I will not be charged extra RM10 a month for the HotSpot service that I had never ever used before.
I usually turn on my lappie once I arrive at home. As usual, on Monday, when I arrived at home I turned on my lappie and tried to connect to the Internet. I've set my modem to auto-connect. I didn't know that I wasn't connected to the Internet. I tried to go online, signed in to MSN. Everything just failed to load. So I tried to restart my lappie for at least twice. Still it couldn't work. I checked my modem settings and only found out that it wasn't connected. I borrowed LKC's account and tried to connect from my place here. Dah da....connected.
Damn it...what the heck. What happened to my account? I called to the customer service again and found out that my account had been closed. Huh...closed? Who asked for it to be closed? The gal told me that the request was submitted by me. What? No way. I was very pissed off. So I asked how can I activate back my account. That gal told me I have to go to TMPoint to get it done. What? Again I was very pissed off. What's the purpose of having a call centre when you can't help to solve the customers' problems? I kept on scolding and scolding them. That stupid gal told me that "Ma'm...I'm going to put you in silent mode and I continue with my work." How can a customer service representative speaks like that? I was again very pissed off. I asked for her name and told her that I'm going to make a complain about her. But actually I didn't make the complain, just to make her worry...hehehe.
Then I submitted an online complain about the problem that I was having but I only got a reply saying that they'll investigate the case further and will get back to me asap. How long do I need to wait for this? Luckily, there's a TMPoint nearby Menara Maybank here. So I went there to check out what I can do. They called to the TMPoint Uptown to check on the form that I submitted previously and found out that it was their mistake to close my account. So I asked them what I can do now. They told me I need to register for a new account as they can't re-activate the old account. Huh...why is the system so stupid? But thank god, the customer representative that handled my problem was not bad. He told me that he will waive my registration fee and will activate back my streamyx asap. He even explained to me clearly on what I will be expecting to see on my new bill. Hmm...at least I'm feeling better now and I can online again.
So guys, if you ever require to do activate/deactivate any of the streamyx's services. Please think twice before you proceed. You might end up all the hassle that I went thru.
Down the memory lane by
7/11/2007 11:49:00 PM
Monday, July 09, 2007
I'm not a plastic bag
I did a Google search about this bag and came to know about the purpose of this bag. Here are the Q&A about this bag from the Anya Hindmarch website.
What was the bag designed for?
I’m Not A Plastic Bag is a reusable bag that can be used for shopping, the gym, the beach, school etc.
We are trying to use our influence in a positive way to make it fashionable not to use plastic bags, to raise awareness of this issue and to encourage people to make small changes in their behaviour.
Down the memory lane by
7/09/2007 09:54:00 AM