Last Monday (1st May) was a public holiday for everyone. It's not just a public holiday to me as it's one of the special day in the year as well. Why? I'm sure those who know me very well should have known that my birthday falls on the same day as in Labour Day. Some jokes that had been made from some friends about this special day of mine. Some were jokingly asking "how did your mum give birth to you when everyone (including the doctor) is off on Labour Day?" Some even said "It's a Labour Day and your mum had to labour. She should be taking a day off since it's a Labour Day." Anyway, it's a great day since I do not have to work on that day and so does everyone.
30th April
How did I celebrate my birthday this year? Well, on the eve, I went to Matang (nearby Taiping) to have a seafood dinner with my family and LKC. It was a last minute trip though I suggested to my dad early of the day. He didn't take any action until it was around 6 something. The journey to Matang took about an hour from Ipoh and we reached there at around 7.30pm. We waited for more than an hour as it was very crowded, most probably due to the long weekend holiday. Ordered 7-8 dishes which include 3 types of fish, crab, prawn, vegies. The food there was okay but the price was really cheap. It costed less than RM200 for 7 persons.
1st May
According to LKC, I need to eat some cake on my birthday. So as per his wish, we went to Indulgence in the afternoon just to eat cake. Look at the yummy chocolate moist cake that I ordered for myself.

The yummy chocolate moist cake

The wai sik me...*slurp*

LKC's blueberry crumbies...not that nice, my chocolate moist cake is nicer...hehehe

The match made from heaven...Thanks for everything, LKC. Love ya!
It was so relaxing sitting here...nice place
2nd May
Came back to KL after a long weekend. How I wish I could stay in Ipoh and don't need to come back to KL to work *dreaming*. Went out yum char with Faye, Michelle and Manfred. They bought a cake for long I never blow candles on my birthday. Still remember the last time I "blew" candles was 2 years back, when I was still in Australia. I didn't actually blow the candles that time as in Australia, when you purchase a cake, the candle doesn't come along with the cake. So you have to buy the candles separately but the clumsy friends of mine, didn't know that they didn't give candles. To maintain the "blowing candles" culture, I had to blow the torch lights, instead of blowing candles. Those were the days.

Thanks Faye, Michelle and Manfred for the cake.

Cutting cake ceremony
I got bullied by Faye
Thanks everyone for calling and sms me to wish my Happy Birthday. Really appreciated that. Thanks alot!
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