What is wrong with everyone now? I thought I'm the only one disappearing from this blogosphere as I'm getting lazier and lazier to update my blog as well as I have nothing interesting to blog about. That's why you have been seeing me updating my blog maybe once a week. Is this lazy-to-blog disease spreading to others as well? I don't see any new updates on the blogs that I visit everyday. Popo's blog has been stucked at the "Finger Licking Good" post and no new updates from her after that. Don't tell me you ate your fingers as well when you were having your
. As for Kate's blog, she's still stucked at the "Last Weekend in London". Hey, come on, you're back to Malaysia for 2 weeks now, update your blog. Tell the friends that you're back to Malaysia and update us on your latest progress after coming back. As for Chun Nee's blog, guess she just loves to watch the BrokeBack Mountain too much until she forgot to update her blog. By the way, don't write in Chinese-lah. I don't know how to read. Thanks to Faye's blog that keeps me entertain lately. I can see more than 1 new blog entries everyday and it's quite interesting to read her blog especially on "HongKong trip 2006", which really makes me wanna go to Hong Kong now. Guys, please keep us update with the latest happenings.

Busy, darling....
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