Down the memory lane by
2/26/2006 12:22:00 PM
One of the building which is decorated with all the tang lungs.
The moving Buddha. These Buddhas will run on the rail and stop at certain point. See the kuan yin on the left? The kuan yin will sprinkle "holy" water to the crowds.
The wishing candles. It is said that these candles will bring harmony to the family and it is also said that if you often lit these candles, it is believed that your eyes will look very nice.
Hoping that my family will live peacefully.
The lotus shaped candle that I lit.
Tang lungs, tang lungs and tang lungs...it's just everywhere.
The big Buddha at the back.
The big Buddha again.
Down the memory lane by
2/19/2006 01:34:00 PM
Down the memory lane by
2/15/2006 04:29:00 PM
"It's just another day for marketer to sell their soon-to-be-expired chocolates to the public over-priced."
"Isn't Valentine's Day is sharing how much you love your love ones? It really doesn't mean a partner. I believe all our parents would want a valentine's day gift from us. hehehe. So sweet isn't it. No one is a loser on Valentine's Day."
"There's only 1 Cupid and there are so many ppl around...Give him a break, have patience and wait for your turn."
"A day of joy, date, happiness and Love for those who are attached/ got gf-bf or married.. Let them have a great time with their Love! Enjoy ppl. "
Sometimes why do we care about this kind of occassions so much? Why can't we just stay at home and don't bother it's Valentine's day? Everyday can be a valentine's day if you are rich enough to go out for candle-lit dinner and being a santa-claus that will never run out of ideas of what gifts to buy for your loved one. Guys, please read the blog at the bottom which is copied from Xiaxue's blog. Totally agreed to what she wrote there.
"Feeling panicky because Valentine's day is so near?Well, if you are not as lucky as me to be female or single, then I guess you have got to buy some gifts for your loved ones.I hate stupid men who go like, "Eh, you know I love you, and flowers are just flowers, they can't prove how much I love you anyway!" and conveniently don't buy their girlfriends any flowers.Well here's a piece of information for you my dear boys...It's a secret...Girls do not actually like flowers.I KNOW RIGHT?! You gasp, but it's true! I mean yes, flowers are pretty and they smell nice, but they are but some dead plants.So why do girls still want flowers on V day?BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE IS HAVING IT. And not getting flowers means your boyfriend treats you inferior to how the other boyfriends are treating their girlfriends.And that sucks - because every girl wants to feel special. :)So, if you want to make your girlfriend feel like she is the most loved among all the other girls (make her happy and you might get some V-day sex - or not), you just HAVE to get her flowers.The bigger it is, the more "face" she has. :DSadly enough, all the flowers are sold at exorbitant prices during V day!"
Guys, what are you guys still doing here? Go and get your gf a big bunch of flowers even though they said they don't like flowers. Just go and get it....hehehehe
Down the memory lane by
2/14/2006 03:26:00 PM
Down the memory lane by
2/13/2006 09:12:00 AM
Down the memory lane by
2/12/2006 11:20:00 AM
I found this very interesting and would like to share with you guys.
I would like to choose the old lady as she is going to die. But when I read at the answer...I was liked...yeah hor...why I never thought of that. I showed this personality test to some of my friends and their reaction was just exactly like me. Isn't it amazing? Why didn't we think of this answer?
Down the memory lane by
2/10/2006 05:14:00 PM
Down the memory lane by
2/08/2006 09:22:00 AM
On Sunday morning, LKC left to Phillipines for 2 weeks training. In the evening, went to Chun Nee's place for a small gambling session...hehehe won RM32...thanks to Cheng Ghee for the "donation"...hehehe. Everyone was a winner except Cheng Ghee...kekeke. I don't think I lose or win any money for this Chinese New Year. That's great...well, at least I didn't take friends' money and my friends didn't take money. As long as everyone is happy, it is more than enough already.
This is the photo that I took with my niece on the first day of Chinese New Year. Oh my god, I look so fat in the picture. Wonder how many KGs I gained for this CNY...sigh. By the way, does my niece looks like me? Everyone says she looks like me....hmmm...
Do we look like a match-made in heaven? Hahaha...I'm too perasan....hehehe. Just too bored, don't know what to put on this blog. Ok, I think enough for today. Signing off. By the way, it's still Chinese New Year. So Gong Xi Fatt Chai everyone!
Down the memory lane by
2/05/2006 12:58:00 AM