Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Random thoughts

I guess my LKC will login to my Gmail and unsubscribe the AirAsia newsletter for me very soon. I received the AirAsia newsletter on 500000 Free Seat (No Fuel Surcharge) yesterday and was checking on the AirAsia website again. Yes...again. You see, it's so tempting. Previously, they only gave out free tickets. This time they are giving out free tickets cum free fuel surcharge, meaning you will only require to pay for the airport tax and administration fee wow wow.
I was just checking for fun and found out that return flight to Bangkok only costs RM145. cheap and so tempting!! How I wish I can be a full-time traveller and enjoying all these benefits from AirAsia.
LKC was so lovely. He asked me to take a year off to travel around and he will financially support me with the condition that I have to do some part-time jobs in between. How I wish I could say 'Great, I'll tender my resignation tomorrow!' and go to the airport and pay for the next available flight and fly myself off to the destination. How cool is that!!
BUT, can I be so carefree? Or better term, can I choose to be carefree? Sometimes I wonder, from where do those backpackers/ travellers got their money. Like Nicolekiss, I have been following her blog for quite sometime and she has been travelling to different countries for the past 1 year. I'm really curious where does she get the money from. Anyone has any idea?

"Money not enough!"
"Annual leave not enough....hahaha!"

p/s: I'm just too "boh liau"...just blabbing for fun. Waiting for LKC to come down to KLCC now. Going to take some nice shots of KLCC with my newly bought Nikon D60. So excited about it. Waiting for the sky to turn dark now.
Signing off,
~ Lisan ~